Common Phone Repairs: How to Avoid Them

In today’s fast-paced world, our smartphones have become indispensable tools that keep us connected, informed, and entertained. From staying in touch with loved ones to managing our work and social lives, our smartphones play a vital role. However, as essential as these devices are, they are not invincible. Common phone repairs can disrupt our daily routines and lead to unexpected expenses. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most frequent phone repairs and provide valuable tips on how to avoid them.

Cracked Screens

A cracked screen is perhaps the most common phone repair issue. Whether it’s a result of a clumsy drop or an unfortunate accident, a cracked screen can be both unsightly and functionally impairing. To avoid this costly repair, consider the following tips:

  • Invest in a sturdy phone case: A quality phone case with adequate drop protection can significantly reduce the chances of a cracked screen.
  • Apply a screen protector: A tempered glass screen protector adds an extra layer of protection and can absorb the impact from minor falls.
  • Be mindful of your phone’s location: Avoid placing your phone in places where it can easily fall, such as the edge of a table or a high shelf.


Water Damage

Accidental water damage is another common phone repair issue. Spills, rain, or even dropping your phone in a pool can lead to a malfunctioning device. To prevent water damage:

  • Use a waterproof case: If you know you’ll be near water or in rainy conditions, invest in a waterproof phone case.
  • Keep your phone away from liquids: Be cautious when using your phone near liquids, and avoid texting or scrolling while eating or drinking.
  • Dry your phone properly: If your phone does get wet, follow the steps for emergency water damage repair, such as placing it in rice to absorb moisture. However, the best course of action is to take it to a professional repair service as soon as possible.


Battery Issues

Battery problems can be frustrating, and they often lead to the need for a phone repair. To extend your phone’s battery life and avoid these issues:

  • Adjust screen brightness: Lowering your screen brightness can significantly reduce battery consumption.
  • Manage apps and background processes: Regularly close apps running in the background, as they can drain your battery.
  • Charge your phone properly: Avoid using cheap or knockoff chargers, and try to keep your battery between 20% and 80% for optimal longevity.
  • Replace the battery when needed: Over time, all phone batteries degrade. When you notice a significant drop in battery life, consider getting the battery replaced by a professional.


Software Problems

Software-related issues can cause your phone to malfunction or become sluggish. While some problems may be unavoidable, here are some steps to reduce the likelihood of software repairs:

  • Keep your software up to date: Regularly update your phone’s operating system and apps to benefit from bug fixes and security patches.
  • Avoid sketchy apps: Download apps only from reputable sources, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Clear cache and unnecessary files: Periodically delete unnecessary files, clear app caches, and organize your data to keep your phone running smoothly.
  • Factory reset as a last resort: If your phone is plagued by persistent issues, a factory reset may be necessary. Make sure to back up your data before doing so.


Charging Port Problems

A malfunctioning charging port can render your phone useless if it can’t hold a charge. To prevent this issue:

  • Use quality charging cables and adapters: Cheap or damaged chargers can damage your phone’s charging port.
  • Be gentle when connecting and disconnecting: Avoid forcing the charger into the port, and unplug it gently.
  • Keep the charging port clean: Dust and debris can accumulate in the port, affecting its functionality. Use compressed air to clean it regularly.



Phones can overheat due to excessive use, high temperatures, or running resource-intensive apps. To prevent overheating:

  • Use your phone in a well-ventilated area: Avoid using your phone on soft surfaces like beds and couches that can trap heat.
  • Close unnecessary apps: Running too many apps simultaneously can cause your phone to heat up.
  • Remove the case when charging: Heat can accumulate during charging, so removing the case can help dissipate it.


Physical Damage to Components

Sometimes, physical damage can occur to internal components, like the camera, microphone, or speaker. To minimize this risk:

  • Be cautious with your phone: Treat your phone with care, and avoid subjecting it to unnecessary physical stress.
  • Protect your phone from extreme temperatures: Extreme heat or cold can damage internal components, so avoid leaving your phone in a car on a hot summer day or in freezing winter conditions.

In conclusion, common phone repairs can be inconvenient and costly, but many of them can be prevented with a little care and attention. By investing in protective accessories, practicing safe phone habits, and performing regular maintenance, you can prolong the life of your smartphone and reduce the likelihood of needing repairs. Remember that prevention is often the best solution when it comes to keeping your phone in optimal condition. If you have a problems with your phone don’t fear because the Tech bars hereĀ  were here to help get your device back up and running to what it used to be. So if your in need of tech repair visit our store or book us online.

Tuesday 19th September By

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